miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

cristero war

The church was supporting in past time the "conservadores" so now in 1917 the goverment decides to separate the religion from the politics so now the goverment can be independent from church.
was a mass popular uprising and attempted counter-revolution against the no catholism of the ruling Mexican government. Based in western Mexico, the rebellion was set off by the enforcement of the constitution of mexico of 1917by former Mexican President, Freemason and elias calles in order to persecute the organizations.
The Mexican Revolution was the largest rebellion in Mexican history. It was based on the peasants' overwhelming demand for land and for social justice. The Catholic Church was cautious to not support the revolution, which at times threatened the property rights of many Mexicans. However, the Calles' administration felt its revolutionary reforms, such as those against private property and Catholic schools, were threatened by the Church. As a solution to the Church's influence over the Mexican populace, the anti-clerical statutes of the Constitution were instituted, and beginning a 10-year persecution of Catholics, resulting in the death of thousands.

Cristero war 

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